Announcing EAXY: Making XML easier in Java
XML libraries in Java is a minefield. The amount of code required to manipulate and read XML is staggering, the risk of getting class path problems with different libraries is substantial and the handling of namespaces opens for a lot of confusion and errors. The worst thing is that the situation doesn’t seem to improve.
A colleague made me aware of the JOOX library some time back. It’s a very good attempt to patch these problems.
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Micro-Scrum: A stamp-sized version of Scrum
“Show frequently what you’ve done to someone who cares”
Are you working in the way you are because it’s a good idea, or just because someone told you to do it? I increasingly hear experienced professionals at Agile conference bemoan the blind adherence to the techniques of Scrum without understanding the principles and values that make it work. I also encounter many software professionals who are overwhelmed by the amount of things that they are asked to do.
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Having fun with Git
I recently read The Git Book. As I went through the Git Internals parts, it struck me how simple and elegant the structure of Git really is. I decided that I just had to create my own little library to work with Git repositories (as you do). I call the result Silly Jgit. In this article, I will be walking through the code.
This article is for you if you want to understand Git a bit deeper or perhaps even want to work directly with a Git repository in your favorite programming language.
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Setting up Git and TortoiseGit for Bitbucket - step by step
My colleague and resident Git evangelist Guhan has written a very useful blogpost that gives a Step-by-step guide on how to set up Git clients for Windows. If you’re just now joining a Git project, this is exactly what you want.
Read the article on his blog
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Offensive programming
How to make your code more concise and well-behaved at the same time Have you ever had an application that just behaved plain weird? You know, you click a button and nothing happens. Or the screen all the sudden turns blank. Or the application get into a “strange state” and you have to restart it for things to start working again.
If you’ve experienced this, you have probably been the victim of a particular form of defensive programming which I would like to call “paranoid programming”.
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A canonical web test
In order to smoke test web applications, I like to run-to-end smoke tests that start the web server and drives a web browser to interact with the application. Here is how this may look:
public class BookingWebTest { private DataSource dataSource; private Server server; @Before public void createServer() throws Exception { dataSource = DataSources.getTestDataSource(); new EnvEntry("jdbc/applicationDs", dataSource); server = new Server(0); server.setHandler(new WebAppContext("src/main/webapp", "/test")); server.start(); } private final WebDriver browser = new HtmlUnitDriver(); @Test public void shouldShowCreatedBookings() throws Exception { PersonDao personDao = new PersonDao(dataSource); Person person = new Person(); person.
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Om å løse alt bortsett fra det egentlige problemet
“Problemet med Java er at det krever så mange abstraksjoner. Factories, proxies, rammeverk…” Min samtalepartner gjenfortalte inntrykket han hadde av de Java-programmerende kollegene sine.
Jeg måtte innrømme at jeg kjente meg igjen. Kulturen rundt Java-programmering har noen sykdomstrekk. Kanskje det minst flatterende er fascinasjonen for komplekse teknologiske løsninger. Et gjennomsnittlig Java-prosjekt har rammeverk (Spring, Hibernate), tjenestebusser - gjerne flere (OSB, Camel, Mule), byggverktøy (Maven, Ant, Gradle), persisteringsverktøy (JPA, Hibernate), kodegeneratorer (JAXB, JAX-WS), meldingskøer (JMS), webrammeverk (JSF, Wicket, Spring-MVC) og applikasjonsservere (WebSphere, WebLogic, JBoss).
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Only four roles
Many sources of stress on projects come from forgetting what our roles are. Scrum championed a simple set of roles with the development team, the Scrum Master, and the Product Owner. The first problem is the people affected by agile projects who fall into any of these categories, many of which are important. The second problem comes from forgetting that the only roles with authority, the Scrum Master and the Product Owner are the least important people on the whole project.
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A jQuery inspired server side view model for Java
In HTML applications, jQuery has changed the way people thing about view rendering. Instead of an input or a text field in the view pulling data into it, the jQuery code pushes data into the view. How could this look in a server side situation like Java?
In this code example, I read an HTML template file from the classpath, set the value of an input field and append more data based on a template (also in the HTML file).
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Scrum as an impediment to Agility
As I’m working with smaller and more agile projects, I’m increasingly seeing the classic way that Scrum is executed as more of an impediment to agility than a helper.
This is especially the case when it comes to the classic Sprint Planning as described in [the Scrum Guide]( Guides/Scrum_Guide.pdf):
“For example, two-week Sprints have four-hour Sprint Planning Meetings” In the Sprint Planning Meeting part 1: “Development Team works to forecast the functionality that will be developed during the Sprint.
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