A jQuery inspired server side view model for Java
In HTML applications, jQuery has changed the way people thing about view rendering. Instead of an input or a text field in the view pulling data into it, the jQuery code pushes data into the view. How could this look in a server side situation like Java?
In this code example, I read an HTML template file from the classpath, set the value of an input field and append more data based on a template (also in the HTML file).
public class ContactServlet extends HttpServlet {
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException {
String nameQuery = req.getParameter("nameQuery");
// Read a pure html template from the classpath
Xhtml document = Xhtml.fromResource(getClass().getResource("html/contact/index.html"));
// Set the value of the nameQuery input field in the HTML
document.getForm("#findForm").set("nameQuery", nameQuery);
Element contactsEl = document.select("#contacts");
Element contactTmpl = contactsEl.take(".contact");
for (Contact contact : findContacts(nameQuery)) {
// Fill in the .contact template of the HTML with data
Element contactHtml = contactTmpl.copy().text(contact.print());
// And add it to the #contacts element
This is a simplified version of the HTML:
* Johannes (4444444)
This is a third way from the alternatives of templated views like Velocity and JSP and from component models like JSF. In this model, the view, the model and the binding of the model variables to the view are all separate.
Disclaimer: In this example, I’ve used my still in pre-alpha XML library with the working name of Eaxy. You can get similiar results with libraries like jSoup and JOOX.
Caveat: I’ve never tried this on a grand scale. It’s an idea that compels me for three reasons: First, it’s very explicit. Nothing happens through @annotation, conventions or some special syntax in a template. Second, it’s very unit testable. There is nothing tying this code to running in a web application server. Finally, it’s easy to get to this code through incremental steps. I initially wrote the example application with code that embedded the HTML as strings in Java code and refactored to use the Java Query approach.
Could this approach be worth trying out more?
[SigurdFosseng] - May 11, 2013
Hi, I’ve created a blog-response here http://laat.github.io/Programming/2013/05/11/a-jquery-inspired-serverside-rendering-of-vcards/
Carl-Erik Kopseng - Sep 22, 2015
Har du brukt dette i noen senere prosjekter?
Johannes Brodwall - Sep 22, 2015
Nå jobber jeg nesten bare med JSON. Jeg fikk aldri brukt Eaxy i prosjekt, men min kollega Anders Karlsen bruker det. Jeg har også en del stalkers på github.
Jeg tror det er et godt alternativ. Og jeg aksepterer pull requests om det er mangler.