XPS Lights: Source code in Subversion
I have exported the XPS light control source code into my subversion repository. The software is currently set up to build with Cygwin. As an added bonus, I now have added a target that creates a dll so the code can be reused more easily.
How to use:
xps\_lights>_make all_
rm -f *.o *.dll *.exe
gcc -mno-cygwin -Wall -c -o xps\_led\_control\_lib.o xps\_led\_control\_lib.c
gcc -shared -o xps\_led\_control\_lib.dll xps\_led\_control\_lib.o
gcc -o testexe xps\_led\_control.c -L./ -lxps\_led\_control\_lib
testexe -all 4 [all the leds turn turquise]
gcc -mno-cygwin -Wall -c -o xps\_led\_control.o xps\_led\_control.c
gcc -o xps\_led\_control xps\_led\_control\_lib.o xps\_led\_control.o
ruby xps\_led\_control.rb
Cycle array [the side and top leds cycle through a list of colors]
Makefile xps\_led\_control.c xps\_led\_control.o xps\_led\_control\_lib.c xps\_led\_control\_lib.h
testexe.exe xps\_led\_control.exe xps\_led\_control.rb xps\_led\_control\_lib.dll xps\_led\_control\_lib.o
[h3] - Dec 21, 2006
thanks pal ! you made my day.
[Someone Special] - Jun 3, 2009
Wish this worked on Linux…